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송진웅 교수

Jinwoong Song

전공물리교육학, 과학교육학
주소13동 317호


런던대학교 킹스칼리지 교육학과 과학교육학 전공 Ph.D


서울대학교 대학원 과학교육과 물리전공 교육학석사


서울대학교 물리교육과 이학사


– 물리개념학습, 중등물리교육, 과학교육과정

– 과학교육의 역사와 철학

– 과학교실문화, 과학교육 국제비교


2001.9 ~ 현재

서울대학교 물리교육과 부교수, 교수

2000.6 ~ 2008.3

BK21 미래사회과학교육연구사업단 단장

2008.9 ~ 2010.2

서울대학교 사범대학 교무부학장

2009.11 ~ 2011.10

동아시아과학교육학회 회장

2016.3 ~ 2018.2

BK21Plus 미래사회’더불어’과학교육사업단 단장

 2017.2 ~ 2019.1

한국과학교육학회 회장

2021.1 ~ 현재

한국과학기술한림원 정회원

2022.3 ~ 현재

서울대 미래혁신연구원 교육협력센터 센터장


연구실적 (2018 이후)


(저서, Book chapter)


(2021) The pursuit of understanding science classroom culture in Korea and East Asia (Springer, Book Chapter, 단독)


(2020) Current Practice and Issues for Improvement in STEM Education up to K12 In Asia and the Pacific (AASSA & KAST, Editor & Book Chapter)


(2020) Representations of nature of science in new Korean science textbooks: The case of ‘Scientific Inquiry and Experimentations’ (Springer Nature, Book Chapter, 교신저자)


(2020) 과학과 교육과정의 과제와 지향 (교육과학사, Book Chapter, 단독)


(2019) Between realism and constructivism: A sketch of pluralism for science education (Routledge, Book Chapter, 공저)


(2019) 『모든 한국인을 위한 과학적 소양, 미래세대 과학교육표준』 (한국과학창의재단, 대표저자)


(2019) 『미래 학교교육: 무엇을 어떻게 준비할 것인가』 (북스힐, 대표저자) (※SSK 연구성과)


(2018) 『교실과 문화: 동아시아 과학 교실문화의 이해』 (북스힐, 대표저자) (※SSK 연구성과)



(SSCI 논문)


(2022) Looking back at “our science” and “our history”: an exploration of Korean preservice science teachers’ encounters with East Asian history of science (Cultural Studies of Science Education, 교신저자)


(2022) The assessment of science classroom creativity: Scale development (International Journal of Science Education, 교신저자)


(2022) Preservice elementary teachers’ socioscientific reasoning during a decision-making activity in the context of COVID-19 (Science & Education, 공동저자)


(2021) Why people trust something other than science: Cases of acupuncture and Four Pillars of Destiny (FPD) in Korea (Science & Education, 제1저자)


(2021) Looking back at “our science” and “our history”: An exploration of Korean preservice science teachers’ encounters with East Asian history of science (Cultural Studies of Science Education, 교신저자)


(2021) The nature of technology and engineering (NOTE) as perceived by science and technology teachers in Korea (Research in Science & Technological Education, 교신저자)


(2020) A componential model of science classroom creativity (SCC) for understanding collective creativity in the science classroom (Thinking Skills and Creativity, 교신저자)


(2020) Exploring how students construct collaborative thought experiments during physics problem-solving activities (Science & Education, 교신저자)


(2020) Eliciting students’ understanding of nature of science with text-based tasks: Insights from new Korean high school textbooks (International Journal of Science Education, 교신저자)


(2019) When modern physics meets nature of science: The representation of nature of science in general relativity in new Korean physics textbooks (Science & Education, 교신저자)


(2019) Experimental science: Joseph Priestley’s influence in the infrastructure of the seventeenth-century science education (Educational Philosophy and Theory, 공동저자)


(2018) How Is Intuitive Thinking Shared and Elaborated During Small-Group Problem-Solving Activities on Thermal Phenomena? (Research in Science Education, 교신저자)


(2018) The Meanings of Physics Equations and Physics Education (J. of Korean Physical Society, 교신저자) (SCI)


(2018) Goethe’s conception of “Experiment as Mediator” and implications for practical work in school science (Science & Education, 교신저자)


(2018) The factors and features of museum fatigue in science centres felt by Korean students (Research in Science Education, 교신저자)